The Future of Software Engineering: How AI Will Revolutionize the Way We Work

Engineers have the potential to code 10x faster if communication can keep pace

The Future of Software Engineering: How AI Will Revolutionize the Way We Work


Generative AI, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), has demonstrated remarkable capabilities in recent years, with one of the most powerful use cases being code generation. As generative AI continues to make strides in coding capabilities, it is almost certain to significantly accelerate the pace of software development. However, while AI can help engineers write code faster, the biggest bottlenecks in productivity often lie in communication and collaboration. In this blog post, we'll explore how AI will change the way engineering teams work and why tools like Avila are essential for unlocking the full potential of AI-assisted software development.

Why is Generative AI so good at writing code?

Just as numbers can be used to measure and codify weather patterns, enabling predictions of future weather conditions based on time-series data, language serves as a means to codify different systems and create a model for understanding the world. This allows LLMs to function as reasoning engines, drawing connections and making inferences based on the information encoded in their training data. For example, an LLM might deduce that a land animal described as blue would be well-camouflaged in the ocean, given that the ocean is also blue.

This principle is particularly evident in the realm of coding, as programming languages are essentially a set of deterministic rules expressed in a form of natural language. Consequently, LLMs have proven to be highly effective in making inferences in this domain and augmenting the process of writing code. A recent McKinsey study found that software engineers can complete certain tasks twice as fast when using just the generative AI tools existing today, while also experiencing a significant boost in their satisfaction levels when performing these tasks. With generative AI, engineers can potentially double their coding productivity, allowing them to focus on higher-level problem-solving and architecture design.

The Communication Bottleneck: Limiting Engineering Potential

While generative AI can significantly accelerate the coding process, the biggest blockers of productivity in software development today often revolve around communication. Ineffective communication and collaboration can lead to misaligned goals, unclear requirements, and delays in project delivery. Some of the common communication challenges faced by engineering teams include:

Updates and risks are collected from working teams and disseminated to all stakeholders

Status updates: Providing regular status updates is essential for better alignment, decision making, and planning. However, the process of gathering and disseminating this information can be time-consuming and disruptive to the development process.

Risks and blockers: Identifying and addressing risks and blockers in a timely manner is crucial for proactively resolving issues which can otherwise drag on for weeks or months. Additionally, flagging potential timeline slippage to dependent teams is crucial for not allowing project delays to compound. Without clear communication channels, these issues often go unnoticed until they escalate into major problems.

Decisions are collected at management level and disseminated to working teams

Decisions: Keeping the team aligned on goals and decisions, as well as their rationale, is especially important in fast-changing environments. Teams often struggle to effectively reach decisions, document, and then communication them. Poor communication of decisions can lead to misalignment and wasted effort.

Requirements are collected at manager or xFN level and conveyed to engineers

Requirements: Conveying clear requirements to the team enables better and faster software development. Miscommunication or lack of clarity around requirements can result in rework and delays.

The lack of effective communication in engineering teams comes with a significant cost, as resolving these communication issues can lead to higher product velocity, less buggy software, and increased revenue. However, there exists an inherent tradeoff between driving alignment via communication and creating significant overhead for the engineering team.

To address the need for information collection and dissemination, teams often resort to one of two solutions:

  1. Implementing a robust set of meetings between various stakeholders or having engineers periodically create status updates for leadership.
  2. Hiring technical project managers to resolve this need, which still involves considerable overhead and significant costs.

Neither of these solutions is ideal, as they both divert engineers from their primary focus: writing high-quality code.

As the pace of development accelerates by orders of magnitude, the communication bottleneck will become more pronounced. If communication processes do not keep up with the increased speed of development, they will effectively limit the throughput of engineering teams, preventing them from reaching their full potential.

To unlock the true potential of AI-assisted software development, it is crucial to find a solution that streamlines communication and collaboration without burdening engineers with additional overhead.

Avila: Unlocking the Full Potential of AI-Assisted Software Development

This is where tools like Avila come into play. Avila is an AI project manager that integrates with Jira/Linear and sits on top of your existing meeting cadence to capture meeting outcomes and disseminate them to other stakeholders in a structured and efficient manner. Avila helps maximize productivity without creating overhead and while allowing your team to strike the optimal balance between async and synchronous communication.

Avila collects meeting outcomes at the sub-group level and asynchronously disseminates them to relevant stakeholders

Some of the key features of Avila that help engineering teams unlock the full potential of AI-assisted software development include:

  • Automated status updates for leadership: Avila integrates with Jira and Linear to create automated project status updates from your standups, so you can keep your finger on the pulse without attending every meeting and identify risks before they escalate.
  • Keep the team aligned with automated meeting outcomes: Avila automatically documents key updates, risks, decisions, action items, etc. from meetings, ensuring that the entire team is aligned. It accomplishes this without using persistent meeting recordings, which could derail your engineering culture.
  • Structure your meetings and reduce attendees: Avila uses a simple workflow and AI to ensure that every meeting has purpose, structure, and the right attendees.
  • Convey customer requirements: Avila can capture customer conversations and requirements directly to the engineering team, so they have the full context.

By leveraging AI to streamline communication and collaboration, tools like Avila enable engineering teams to fully capitalize on the productivity gains offered by generative AI in coding.


The future of software engineering lies in the symbiotic relationship between human engineers and AI. While generative AI has the potential to massively augment the pace of coding, the biggest bottlenecks in productivity often stem from ineffective communication and collaboration. To unlock the full potential of AI-assisted software development, engineering teams must adopt tools like Avila that leverage AI to streamline communication, align teams, and optimize productivity.

By combining the power of generative AI in coding with AI-driven communication and collaboration tools, engineering teams can achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and innovation. The future of software engineering is not about AI replacing engineers, but rather about AI empowering engineers to focus on what they do best: solving complex problems and building groundbreaking solutions.

As we move forward, the successful integration of AI in software engineering will require a holistic approach that addresses both the technical and communication aspects of development. With tools like Avila paving the way, engineering teams are well-positioned to harness the full potential of AI and drive the future of software development.