Striking the Balance: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication

Avila helps companies find the optimal balance of async vs sync communication

Striking the Balance: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication


In the fast-paced world of technology, the term 'async communication' has gained significant traction, with many leaders embracing this philosophy to the extreme. However, it's crucial to understand the inherent tradeoffs between synchronous and asynchronous communication before adopting a fully async model. Let's explore the differences between these two types of communication and discuss when to use each effectively.

Asynchronous vs synchronous

Synchronous communication occurs in real-time, with all participants engaged in the conversation simultaneously. Examples include meetings and instant messaging.

Conversely, asynchronous communication involves a delay between the sender's message and the recipient's response. This category includes email, video recording tools, AI notetakers, and instant messaging.

When choosing between synchronous and asynchronous communication, consider the following factors:

  1. Urgency: Time-sensitive matters may necessitate synchronous communication.
  2. Inform vs. Collaborate: Informative topics are better suited for async communication, while collaboration is more effective with synchronous communication.
  3. Complexity: Complex topics often benefit from synchronous communication, enabling immediate clarification and feedback.
  4. Team Size: Asynchronous communication can be more efficient for larger teams or when scheduling conflicts arise.

Communication methods compared

One of the heavily-touted benefits of async communication is time savings from meetings; however, what often gets lost in the discussion is the amount of time required for users to consume the information and the likelihood of them actually doing so. As the table demonstrates, some asynchronous tools, such as video recordings and AI notetakers, take nearly as much time to consume as they do to create, diminishing the anticipated time-saving benefits. Moreover, many asynchronous updates may not be consumed or responded to, further reducing their presumed advantages.

Slack was a groundbreaking innovation in this space, creating a simple and consumable channel for both async and sync communication. However, instant messaging platforms like Slack are not well-suited for collaboration around complex topics or larger groups, as the conversations can quickly become disorganized and difficult to follow.

Avila bridges this gap by offering a solution that achieves a symbiosis of async and sync communication within your engineering organization. Avila streamlines meeting attendee lists, codifies meeting outcomes, and creates concise project summaries. Additionally, Avila uses AI notifications to proactively alert you to topics relevant to your responsibilities, ensuring that you stay informed without having to sift through irrelevant information.

This approach combines the best aspects of both sync and async communication, providing an efficient and effective way to stay informed and engaged. With Avila, you can enjoy the benefits of real-time collaboration when needed, while also leveraging the convenience and flexibility of automatic contextual async updates. By striking this balance, Avila helps engineering organizations optimize their communication processes, ultimately leading to improved productivity and better outcomes.


In conclusion, while async communication has its merits, it's essential to strike a balance between synchronous and asynchronous methods based on the nature of the topic, urgency, complexity, and team size. By leveraging tools like Avila, organizations can optimize their communication strategies, fostering collaboration, and productivity while minimizing the drawbacks of relying solely on async or sync communication.